Monday, May 30

Some Day in May

It's finally warmed up in the frozen wasteland I call home (so called by the documentary 'Life', hmph)  and this week we were able to eat our first dinner out on the screened in porch (even if it was a bit chilly).  We all pitched in, rolled up our sleeves, girded our loins and you know, mopped and stuff.  Anyways, it looks much better now!

So after all that toil we had to celebrate with some music, a little barbecue and a few cocktails.  We grilled argentinian style ribs which were marinated in a ginger and soy sauce (by Stonewall), served it with bok choy and oyster mushrooms sauteed in garlic and sesame oil and steamed white rice.  It was perfectly lovely.

The cocktails were a recent creation of mine and my boyfriend's which my sister named 'Mistoffer Pimbiscus'; a combination of our names and the ingredients.  I'll leave that recipe at a later time... We also partook of some ale, Dead Guy to be specific.  It has a very piratey bottle.

Some flamingo lights to dispel the frozen wasteland image...

Our lovely meal!

But of course the evening can't end there, we continued on with some after dinner drinks (limoncello and brandy) and dessert.  Dessert was bananas stuffed with chocolate, wrapped in foil then heated on the barbecue and served with a scoop of vanilla ice cream.  My banana was stuffed with peanut M & M's!  Great, right? Yes, great.  As with all good evenings I'm not quite sure where it ended but I know I enjoyed myself.

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