Friday, April 15

Salade aux Crottins de Chavignol Chauds

For dinner I made salade aux crottins de chavignol chauds. It should be said in french, I'm pretty sure it tastes better that way, but it's marvelous regardless.

Salade aux Crottins de Chavignol Chauds

Serves 2.

2tbs olive oil
1tbs lemon juice
1tsp dijon mustard
salt and pepper to taste 

Whisk all ingredients together vigorously until they emulsify into a rather thick liquid. And that is the dressing. I'm always a little impressed with how easy salad dressing is to make, I feel like a chemist.


4 cups green salad (tear the leaves with your hands, don't cut them)
3 crottin de chavignol
6 pieces thick bacon (I'm using stekfläsk today)
6 pieces of melba toast or thin slices of a baguette
1 garlic clove
olive oil

Preheat oven to 400 F.

Rub the bread with the garlic clove and then brush with olive oil, put in the oven for a couple
minutes til it browns (slightly longer for baguette slices). 

Cut the bacon into pieces the same size as your bread/toasts and fry til browned but not hard.
Slice the crottins in half. 

Place the bacon pieces on the toasts then the crottin halves. Place these back in the oven for
2 minutes. 

Sparingly pour your dressing on the salad and mix with you hands to perfectly coat all the
lettuce leaves (it's messy but so, so much better this way). Heap the salad onto plates, remove
the crottins toasts from the oven and place three around the outside of both plates. There, it's
easy and great! Maybe drink a white Sancerre wine with it, it's quite lovely and just what's
done in the cafés of Sancerre itself.

Music to cook it by: 1, 2, 3 by Camille

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