Wednesday, November 23

Smoked Fish

Smoked salmon is a staple of my family's holiday parties. It's there Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, a summer barbecue or just anytime we get together. Of course we had to have an evening that included smoked salmon when I was home recently.  It's never been my favourite but I'm starting to warm up to it, perhaps since I've been exposed to so much gravlax (which I like an awful lot) here in Sweden? 

We also eat smoked goldeye, a fish local to the area of Canada I'm from. It's called 'goldeye' because of the iridescent red/gold colour it turns after smoking. It's a very intense smoked fish, if you're not a fan of smoked salmon then I suspect you won't like it. We serve both smoked goldeye and salmon with rye bread, butter, capers and onions generally. Sour cream, dill and lemon sometimes too. 
On this particular evening we also had raw oysters, Swedish caviar and champagne! It was lovely.

Oh, and lastly a little Winnipeg trivia: our local baseball team is called the Winnipeg Goldeyes!

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